Monday, July 30, 2007

Scary baby, no sleep, intense

I made a funny joke with the new baby. I put her arms over her head started going grrrr I'm a scary baby grrrrarrrarrr!!! and my wife almost wet her pants. The baby gets this funny look on her face, like a disgruntled winston churchill. Last night I slept but I didn't get good rest I have been tired all day long like an old lady. I needed two 2 hours naps to make it through, I am so intense. I go back to work on friday and it will be nice. Work ain't so bad. I call it the fortress of solitude because no one talks to me and I am always alone. : ( boo hooey.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Baby is here, I get the flu

The last few weeks have been insane. The baby is here, her name is isabella. She pooped on me today. Poop YEEEAAAH!! I was pooped on by my own child. I sure hope that this does not mean bad things in the future. Four days after the baby was born, I get the flu. I spent the whole day on the floor of the bathroom unable to move. Olga had a C-section so she was in alot of pain. I saw my wifes intestines. I never thought I would get so close to a woman that I would get to see her intestines. It was like a horror movie. The doctor was just holding her insides, I was surprisingly calm. She got morphine which made her cry and fell sick. Anyway I spent 4 days in the hospital with my wife, the nurses are awesome they are like your maids and drug dealers. They clean up after you and bring you food and drinks and then the drugs start pourin' in. Awww yeah. oxycotin, hydrocodeine, Tomerdal, morphine, and epidurals. Then the day I got home, got sick. It only lasted one day, but it was incredibly painful. Everything went well, the surgury went as planned. The baby was 9 pounds 6 ounces. The baby wakes up just once a night. I take mornings and wifey takes nights. It builds up your endurance. Kids make you try harder in your life. Like if I had no kids I would still probably be a call center loser at Onstar making 11.25 an hour until they fired me for disgruntled tendencies. They make you strive for more to provide more for them. It becomes more important to see them happy than to make yourself happy. So you just do your best, and you have a good reason, so your kids won't hate you when they grow up. Just kidding. You have to do the right thing with your kids even if they might hate you when they grow up. It is all apart of being a parent. The best of all things and the worst of all things. I guess that is really it.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Baby time tomorrow!

We will induce tomorrow, and have a baby sometime during the day. Oh fun!! We thought she was in labor today but the contractions stopped. Our Internet phone company went bankrupt yesterday. We still have service but we switched to VOIP anyway just in case. Sunrocket was a good company, I guess somebody started stealing. There is alot of competition in the phone market and they were probably not smart enough. We might move to Texas. My boss said that she would support a move. My parents would be P.O.'d. I'll get a belt buckle and texan hat. I will be a Texan, where two of the greatest presidents in the world were born and raised. Dumb rich kid one and dumb rich kid two! Bush and Busher. There is a highway named after him the George bush turnpike. You have to pay to drive on it. That makes sense knowing the man. I have been turning into a moderate and less of a conservative. I am convinced that none of them are right. That fake christian act that George Bush puts on makes me sick. I even heard hillary and that dork edwards try to put on their fake christian act. Give me Guiliani. Give me a ganster in the government. I like Obama too. He is just so Tiger woods'ish. He makes me laugh because the NAACP actually think he is like this great political savior, when he is really just some rich kid with a fancy college education. They act like he is straight out of the ghetto, a real american dream story. They do the same thing with Hillary. Girls you can do anything. Even be a cold dead pan lying manipulator just like Hillary.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Young Guns movie, and Livin' With Somebodies Momma

I watched Young Guns the movie. Keffer Sutherland is the crappiest actor ever. Just see all of this movie. He nearly ruins it. Emilio Estevez and Lou Diamond philips. Classic early 90s western. The best part is when they all get high on peyote and the one guy starts screaming about giant chickens and they ride through an indian village and somebody says why aint they killin us, someone replies because we're in the spirit world they can't see us. yuck yuck!! Indian magic. Boo yah! yah! yah!. The mountains would be great except for all of the indian spiritist junk stores. One part has a dirty cow guy yelling insults at lou diamond and the best he can come up with is Mexican and navajo. Ooooo....calling somebody by their origin is always deadly. I always want to mess somebody up when they call me an american!! Dirty american with your big car and your meat and potatos!!

Angel said that her Dad lives with somebodies mom. And I said He lives with his mom. No he lives with ex wifes mom. That was the funniest thing I have ever heard. I live my wifes mom. HHHAHAHHAHAHH>>>!>HAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

I got free pizza today at work. Free food is always good. That way I don't have to eat disgusting Ramen. Sick of Ramen. Naruto loves Ramen, but I don't see why.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Any Day Now......

We are still waiting for the big baby day. Nice vacation and a lot of sleepless nights. I will overcome.

I hooked up all of my pedals, the zoom distortion box, the Zoom B2 multi processor, and the LS2 Line selector. The line selector has seen better days. I just leave it on all the time. all it does is give me a clean line along with the dirty line. It has no real point since I got the B2 Processor. Maybe I'll get the G2 as well for guitar hijinks and double drum machine solos. The drum machine is actually better than Tom Petty's drummer. The zoom distort is still the best distortion that money can buy. I used to own two but the other one has become lost in a worm hole or something. I had to reconnect my speakers in my Yamaha 4 X 12. My son has no idea how it happened? It works.

I start school soon. I got my giant auditing book. It is like 500 pages. I will read it cover to cover like my life depends on it. Must become auditor....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Baby is still coming. Just a random thought. I have the largest collection of Star Trek collectibles, Bibles, basesball cards, and guitars of anyone I know. That also makes me a big nerd. Favorite Tom Waits songs so far: The Piano has been drinking, Murder in the red barn, Little drop of poison, The Earth Died Screaming, and Cemetery Polka. I don't like any of his 30s crooner songs. I like the drunk guy and the black gospel singer voices the best. My son called me up today and said, he is eight, He said Dad my computer is freezing up. I think that I may have gotten a virus. I am going to need the boot disks. What kindof kid have I raised. When I was eight I couldn't tell you my own phone number. My kid is smart. He reads "how to" books! He irritates adults with his knowledge of things. He irritates me too. He is generally right though. I have taught him too well. I need to dumb him up. I'll force him to watch old power rangers episodes and soap operas.

The siding guy is suppose to come by to give me a price on the siding. I could do it myself, but I just don't have that kind of time. I will do it for 4000$. Sears came out and told me that it would be like 15k. I told him thanks for your time. I need to get one of those ghetto grants. fix up yo' house with gov'ment cheese money. It is not in that bad of shape. I need to paint the darn thing.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Another Long tired bloodshot day

Yesterday I got to clean out a toy box! JD just throws all of his toys in the box and then never plays with them again. I explained that his toy collection has been steadily decreasing since he was 4 years old. He went from having an entire room full of toys, to one corner in the back room. The reason is: you break them, scatter them, and I throw them away. Then to make matters worse, we don't buy new toys. He seemed to understand and vowed for the hundreth time to keep his toys picked up. I have my band junk back there so I need to actually be able to get back there when it is time for lonely guy rock. I have been unable to form the Schaber family band. They all express interest in musical intruments, but when it comes right down to it, TV and loafing is better than actually learning something new. We have a drum set 8 guitars, two basses, 3 amplifiers, a piano, umpteen how to books, the internet, and a banjo, a violin, and a cello(currently broken). Angel has expressed interest in guitar again. I showed her the chords. Time to just practice. There are no secrets to it. I spent a year in my room alone, plucking endlessly, strumming terribly to finally become the master of the lower end punk guitar genius that I am. Bass came later. Then drums. Then piano. end **Goth Rant**

My sister got a new job as the manager of the something department with the city. Got a raise. I'll hit her up for a loan someday. I ordered my books for another lovely semester of school at Liberty. TAXATION, ACCOUNTING, and, AUDITING. If I become an auditor, I can actually afford to move into an upper class poor neighborhood with a swimmin' hole, and a brand new Kia Rio. Oooo oooo and a new Nintendo Wii. Aannd and a flat screen tv like all of those trailor park people have. and a pontoon boat for Pontooning on bodies of water. AND real grass. Not clovers and weeds. and floors that don't shake when you walk on them. And neighbors that say howdie, instead of "what the H--- are you looking at!!"

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July, fun, family, famine, $$$

I really like driving the roadmaster. It is a luxury car. I am an old man. Living in a body that looks about 27-30 with the insides of 55 year old and the tastes of somebody about 50. That makes me psychological disaster. : ) I saw a really good bad at the 4th of july concert. The band was Campbell. They were very EMO. I liked them. I did not buy the CD or the shirt. Too poor. All of the food was stupid expensive. We left and went to taco bell. Taquitos all around. Yummy! I showed JD how to turn a weed into a weapon. He proceeded to shoot people with the weed. I hold myself completely blameless of course. The Weed Weapon is a family tradition, those people needed to get outta da way. Oh well I gotta go. I have to make spreadsheet report of all of the errors for today and then I get to take that list and use my computer janatorial powers to correct and clean all errors. Bwhahahah. 5 years of college. Bachelors. UNCC. 2.6 GPA style. This is gotta work out soon. I make more than Ian does. Ha the statistics are true.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I have a roadmaster. Buick...Roadmaster. Master o da road

I got the Buick tagged licensed and rebbed. It is nice. It hold like 25 gallons of gas. I put 55 dollars in it this morning. It already had like 8 gallons of gas in it. Insane. I am the Road Master. The car name is a little embarrassing. The car is huge I could fit eight people in this thing. Who needs a van. Get a roadmaster. King of the road. That funny. My wifes dad's girlfriend called us drunk the other day and called Olga a mooch and a B----. So much for motherly love. Olga's dad doesn't do anything for us, so I don't know how we are mooches. He is a dad. Dad's do crap for their kids til they die. It comes with the stinkin job. I have no doubt that someday I will be in a nursing home drooling on a napkin, saying where's muh muummma? I don't want my kids taking care of me like an invalid. A pine box. A white room. a TV. and my meds. Tom Waits. That's all I need. Maybe not Tom Waits. I might go crazy singing the Cemetary Polka.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Congradulations You Won the Transmission Lottery!!

That's right folks I won the Transmission Lottery!!!! 1 in a million chance!!! My car goes in reverse when it is in drive and it goes into park when it is in reverse. wooo hooo!! I won't be getting any money outta that death trap. I can see it now, Oh make sure that you put it in 2 to drive since drive is really reverse. Tee-hee. We're all gonna die. Floor it!!!

Statesville was alright. My parents keep their house a muggy 80 degrees, but that is just downstairs. Upstairs is a balmy hot 88 degrees. There is nothin like sweating while you sleep. When We got home we put the A/C on 72 degrees. It was freezing and it was wonderful. We went to the flea market and to some yard sales. We basically found nothing. A dictionary, a map of the world, a b-day present for JD, a couple of games. Nothing for baby.