Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Baby is still coming. Just a random thought. I have the largest collection of Star Trek collectibles, Bibles, basesball cards, and guitars of anyone I know. That also makes me a big nerd. Favorite Tom Waits songs so far: The Piano has been drinking, Murder in the red barn, Little drop of poison, The Earth Died Screaming, and Cemetery Polka. I don't like any of his 30s crooner songs. I like the drunk guy and the black gospel singer voices the best. My son called me up today and said, he is eight, He said Dad my computer is freezing up. I think that I may have gotten a virus. I am going to need the boot disks. What kindof kid have I raised. When I was eight I couldn't tell you my own phone number. My kid is smart. He reads "how to" books! He irritates adults with his knowledge of things. He irritates me too. He is generally right though. I have taught him too well. I need to dumb him up. I'll force him to watch old power rangers episodes and soap operas.

The siding guy is suppose to come by to give me a price on the siding. I could do it myself, but I just don't have that kind of time. I will do it for 4000$. Sears came out and told me that it would be like 15k. I told him thanks for your time. I need to get one of those ghetto grants. fix up yo' house with gov'ment cheese money. It is not in that bad of shape. I need to paint the darn thing.

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