Wednesday, September 19, 2007

9 days later....

My birthday was a hoot. I got to sit on the couch and feed the baby for 4 hours while Olga took angel to the emergecy room. Spider bit. Doctor said looks okay. 3 hours in the ER and all they got was a looks okay. If we did not have insurance that would have cost 700 dollars. I am not saying that michael moore is right, but there is definetly as problem in the hell care system. Olga went and had a sleep diagnostic ran to see if she had sleeping problems and they did the test, and the doctor looked at the results, a technician, and a nurse, plus some other doctor. Bill before insurance:\
Doctor: 350$
Technician: 350$
Nurse: 350$
Some other Dr. Opinion: 350$
Plus like 600$ for the test to be ran.
Everybody got in on the action on this one. It was like 2000 dollars. All they did was look at the results. bunch of damned vultures. The nurse got a piece too because she was trained to look at the stupid results. I guess the parking attendant at the sleep clinic was off that night or he would have gotten himself 350 $ for looking at the results. Pure damn crazy.

SO anyway, happy birthday to me. OT and child care. Last year on my birthday Claudia had to go to the ER. The doctor said she looks happy. nothing broken. Booya. 700 $. I should have become a lousy doctor or a mob freakin boss. They both extort people the same. Lets recap the last few birthday disasters:
2007: baby care and ER
2006: ER
2005: Can't remember but I do know that the gameboy I got for my birthday was stolen.
2004: Can't remember
2003: Got to watch bruce willis movies all day
2002: Can't freakin remember
2001: 9/11 happens day after my birthday
2000: All of my band equipment is stolen, thus ripping my musical soul out
I still miss my hoo.... : (

I got a 73 on my midterm exam. I think I did much better than that but 4 days later the teacher still has not addressed my concerns. The last teacher would always curve our grades. I hate it when there is nothing you can count on. I guess there is no way to make an A in this course. 7 of the 11 questions were so ambiguous I could not have gotten them right. The whole class seems geared to only make B's.

I still have 1 year til my CPA and 2 years til my graduates degree. I have got to get out of this job and my house. I want my kids to be able to play and have fun. My neighborhood is full of shady character and people avoid my neighborhood. People at church say so where do you live and I say Old Charlotte Rd and they go, Ohhhh....My. Like I am an ex crack addict. I need like 43k-45k and I can get out. We can all get out. One lady came by our house one time and seemed like she was very scared.

1 comment:

bgryderclock said...

Aack! painful memories! i remember us both crying setting on the asphalt staring at the broken lock and empty storage space and punching my wind shield, cracking it.

lots and lots of F bombs.

my 2x18s! :(

my pedals!! :(

my black 5 string... :(

F@@$%@$%@! >:(