Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Continuation of EPIC BAD DAY

So anyway.. I feed the baby like 6 ounces of formula, and she is squirming and screaching. So I bend her to burp her.....and drum rollllll!!! she pukes 6 ounces of formula all over me. Yummy warm liquid flowing from her mouth all over me. She is fine after that. So I feed her some pedialite. She does not like that. I ask her why she is so unhappy. She responds with aaaghhghahaaghhaaaghaghhaga eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I take that I am at fault. HEE! I feed her some more formula. I am worried she is going to ooze puke on me again, so I hold her away from me while burping. She does not puke on me again. The whole time my son is relaxing on the couch completely oblivious to my plight. I wish I was a kid again. I had no idea what was going on around me ever. It was blissful. JD goes at some point to the sun room to experiment on things. I tell him that he better never take any food products, liquids, or live things into my sunroom ever again. I am awarded the coveted father of the year award. I celebrate by passing out around 5pm. My wife is awake around this time, I have no concept of time. I thought it was like noon. Olga takes baby. It is times like this that a cigarette would come in handy, but I am a hopeless addict and I can't even get around the smell without turning into a lunatic. I get mean, and weird, I hate cigarettes. I think that is it. I don't even remember eating all day. I remember that JD had some food. I woke up and it was dark. Around 8pm. Oh boy almost time to go to bed for work!!! The day was a trainwreck. Fun to watch, but terribly messy.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The worst day Ever, and father of the year awards

Well, sunday was bad. I have had bad days before. Sleepless nights. bad headaches. terrible illnesses. mental breakdowns at school and work, but sunday was bad. It had all the ingredients of the worst day ever.....
Saturday night...
Sick wife 8 Pm goes to sleep
I take over with infant
I play some Lords of the Realm
I watch The Neverending story twice!
The baby cries everytime I put her down, so I hold her, I think she is sleeping
I decide to stay up to let wifee sleep peacefully til the baby's late night feeding 3 AM
I am feeling good.
Baby wakes up. I change her. feed her. Put her down. Baby will not sleep. baby stays awake.
Wife gets sick really really bad. 3am
Wife is good and sick, sick, sick. (Moaning)
Wifee is the only person actually qualified to make the baby sleep. (Moaning wife)
My self sacrificial deed now looks really stupid. (wife still is moaning)
So, baby finally goes to sleep at yes 5 am. I think wifee finally goes back to sleep.
Wakes up at 6 am. then sleeps til about 650am. boo yah!
Baby goes back to sleep. I can't remember when she wakes up again. probably like 8am
I round up 2 hours of sleep.
7am Claudia wakes up. Daddy feed me. I go out to the kitchen and....voila....
JD has woken up and decided to use the stove to cook the world's most insane biscuits.
The mess is intense. Flour every where. I nearly lose it.
"Almost Losing" it is when you scream inside like a mad man on steroids, but what comes out is,
Clean up this mess right now or I am going to make your life miserable. I scold JD til 730am about his judicious use of the oven. I scare him into believing that he could have killed us all in an oven holocaust that would incinerate us all in seconds. I nearly freak out the whole time. JD cleans up his disaster without crying. I think that he realized that dad was going to go crazy. No father of the year award for the morning thanks.
Next up 8am I feed the kids cereal.
At some point I go get the baby. I think I am going to nap at some point. I stick in cinderella 3. Baby moves around the whole time wimper screeching. Denying dear old dad his precious cinderella time nap. I feed the baby like 6 ounces in 3 be continue...

Friday, August 10, 2007

I need a Vacation

I fell asleep from 630 til 830 yesterday. Then I got up and played with the baby. If you can call it playing. Babies just stare and drool and eat and scream. Completely oblivious. Something is very drawing about them though. You can't really understand why your own children are so fascinating unless you actually have children of your own. I personally hate all other children except for my own children. Other kids are twice as annoying as my kids. Anyway, I am going to statesville for my dad's birthday. I am going to take them to lunch and get him a simpsons season on DVD, and maybe a movie. He is extremely hard to buy for. We will come back the same day. Statesville feels like it is hours away, but it is really only 45 minutes away. I know people that commute to work everyday 1 hour each way. Maybe we can catch a movie at the cheap movies in salisbury. And I can let my kids talk through the whole movie.

My oldest daughters father showed up at our house. He called first which was nice. He hasn't called or talked to Angel in over a year. Angel sent him an angry sad letter and I guess it made the jerk sad, so he needed to make himself feel better, so he decided in all of his mercy to come and visit. He hasn't bought angel a birthday present or a christmas present in like 6 years. I do all of these things. He lied and said that he had tried to get in touch with us, but the last time Olga talked to him he said that he could not handle angel right now and didn't want anything to do with her. He has Angel so messed up that it makes life very difficult with her. I am always afraid that angel is going to end up with some loser that shows her the slightest bit of attention, then, Olga and I will have to take care of both of them because the guy is a brain dead loser and can't hold a job. He made some comment about my fence posts being too tall. I wanted to beat him with one of those fence posts. Fence posts come in 8 foot sections, so you have to cut off the excess. Stupid moron. He kept trying to make small talk with me, and I kept trying to make him feel as insignificant and uncomfortable as I could. Just because you were around when a child was born and they live with you for a while or for your whole life, does not make you a father. What makes you a father is the constant vigilance and perserverence of taking them from the idiotic and chaotic times of childhood into being a well rounded sane adult. I have been around Angel through the most important times and chaotic times of her life. I have been trying to clean up the mess left by two retarded absent fathers for 6 years now, but I don't deserve any rewards. If Angel becomes a decent productive member of society then that is my reward.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Liberty has finished eating my brain

Liberty extended financial check in until sunday, so now I can rest assured that I will be in debt for the rest of my life. whew!

The taxes in Texas are so high that I am wavering a bit about going. I don't want to go and have a much worse life. People say, well there are no state income taxes, but look at the property taxes. They are 1.1 % in concord and in Lewisville they ar 2.5 %. That is alot of cash. I will keep investigating. I think it will be much better there. A real adventure.

Liberty University is eating my brain

I am still trying to get the school to accept my forms for financial aid. This is getting so frustrating. Today is the last day and I have to get this done. Also only one of my classes is showing up on the web, so that I guess is just another wonderful problem. It is 838AM and at 900AM I need to put on my irritated customer face and go complain til somebody does something.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lords of the Realm, lawn mowin', and greatest bass player ever

I stayed up way too late last night. I was feeding the baby and playing Lords of the Realm. I have had this game since 1997 and it is still great after all of these years. Exit the game mi Lord! Righteo mi Lord! Where to this time! The graphics look funny on my laptop because the graphics on the game were designed for a much older system.

This weekend I finally got the stinking lawn mowed. Sometimes I like being the gardener and sometimes it is the pits. I like landscaping but sometimes once I get done, what I have done don't look so good. And landscaping is expensive. concrete blocks are 2 bucks a piece. I need like 200 of them. I'd rather have something else, but the vision must be fulfilled. I really just need to blacktop the whole thing and put in big planters, like a gas station.

At church one of the singers said that when I play with the band everything sounds alot better, which immediately made me think that I was the best bass player ever, head inflating! I have improved quite a bit over the years but I still can't do fancy jazzy bass. I can still only do limited runs and scales and such. I really need to get a book on jazz bass to impress further. I also need a 300 watt ampeg so when the guitar player comes and sets up beside me all I have to do is turn up to 1 and half and blow him away. He has a 60 watt Jay turser amp with an 8 in it, and it is ridiculously loud. It has to be the treble. He plays with an incredible amount of treble and middle. He has a metal zone that I turned him on to, but he plays it in that weak middley distort blues rock setting. Its good for some people but I prefer heavey bassy guitar distortion. I think it has its place in the church band. We don't exactly play hymns and blue grass. I would really like to play guitar again. There are more fun possibilities. I can't even use bass distortion because they run me through the house and the sound guys get mad when I turn it on. It goes whhhhooooooshhsshshhshshshshshhs! Oh the fun of bass effects. Nobody appreciates the fine art of creative bass effects.