Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lords of the Realm, lawn mowin', and greatest bass player ever

I stayed up way too late last night. I was feeding the baby and playing Lords of the Realm. I have had this game since 1997 and it is still great after all of these years. Exit the game mi Lord! Righteo mi Lord! Where to this time! The graphics look funny on my laptop because the graphics on the game were designed for a much older system.

This weekend I finally got the stinking lawn mowed. Sometimes I like being the gardener and sometimes it is the pits. I like landscaping but sometimes once I get done, what I have done don't look so good. And landscaping is expensive. concrete blocks are 2 bucks a piece. I need like 200 of them. I'd rather have something else, but the vision must be fulfilled. I really just need to blacktop the whole thing and put in big planters, like a gas station.

At church one of the singers said that when I play with the band everything sounds alot better, which immediately made me think that I was the best bass player ever, head inflating! I have improved quite a bit over the years but I still can't do fancy jazzy bass. I can still only do limited runs and scales and such. I really need to get a book on jazz bass to impress further. I also need a 300 watt ampeg so when the guitar player comes and sets up beside me all I have to do is turn up to 1 and half and blow him away. He has a 60 watt Jay turser amp with an 8 in it, and it is ridiculously loud. It has to be the treble. He plays with an incredible amount of treble and middle. He has a metal zone that I turned him on to, but he plays it in that weak middley distort blues rock setting. Its good for some people but I prefer heavey bassy guitar distortion. I think it has its place in the church band. We don't exactly play hymns and blue grass. I would really like to play guitar again. There are more fun possibilities. I can't even use bass distortion because they run me through the house and the sound guys get mad when I turn it on. It goes whhhhooooooshhsshshhshshshshshhs! Oh the fun of bass effects. Nobody appreciates the fine art of creative bass effects.

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