Friday, August 8, 2008

Going on Vacation

My family and I are off to the great city of Atlanta Ga. The whole reason we're going is so that I can see the Cubs play the Braves. I love vacations that are all for me. : O) I dropped off the two little ones at mom's place and then stayed the night. It was so hot and sweaty in their house, that I thought about driving home at one o'clock in the morning. I toughed it out. It looks like I'll be finishing advanced auditing with an A. A very easy A. Grad school has been a 100 times easier than under-grad school. All I do is right papers about my opinions and if those opinions agree with what the teacher thinks are good opinions then voila, I get an A. I have a 3.85 GPA at this point. I have a chance to go to study abroad in Jordan and Israel for 2 weeks for an international business class for 2350$ and class credit. I don't know if I can really leave my family and go somewhere for that long. I'm still thinking about it. Layoffs are still pending here at good old safe job TIAA Cref. They let go 2 people yesterday. They are doing it so slow. I guess so they can prolong out agony. I already have everything packed up, so as to be ready. I don't want anybody touching my stuff. I also have all of my Computer records downloaded and saved to my email account. Better to be prepared and ready for the worst. ; )

Friday, August 1, 2008

Another day another dollah

I went out on a date yesterday with my wife. We went to Fosters and ate. The food was expensive and not good at all. The fries were soggy and the burger tasked like it had been frozen. Then we went to the mall and shopped around til closing. We got home about 10 and every single kid was still awake and running around acting like nutso's. They had evidently gotten into the chocolate and were hopped up on sugar. I finally got them to bed around 1130 P. bedtime is suppose to be 930P They owe me 2 hours. Everything else is going fine. Olga wanted a security system for the house. By the time somebody had tripped the alarm and the police got there, whoever broke in would have had time to steal the TV, hook it up and be watching Oprah. It takes the cops like an hour to get to our house. The station is 5 miles up the road! I didn't think it was worth it. Especially since the guy was requiring us to put a security sign in our yard. I thought man somebody is going to break in just because of the sign. To really dumb people security signs and keep out signs are just challenges to their animal natures. When I first put up my front yard fence, people would bump into just to test their boundaries with it!! that is what animals do. They think the fence is challenging it. Freakin unbelievable.