Friday, May 9, 2008

I am the worst blogger in the world

I cannot seem to keep up with this blogging thing. Well the last month in synopsis....

We were going to get a loan to remodel our house but the guy that was going to do our loan quit right in the middle of the process. I took this as a very bad sign, so I cancelled the whole process.

Now we want to sell our house and buy a new house.

We measured our house the other day and it is 1500 sq feet and not 2100 like we had thought. The realtor said that when we bought it and so did the inspector. We never thought to question it. I had always thought well I can't buy a new house because we'll end up in something much smaller, but everything is 1500 sq ft. I just feel kindof stupid. : )

My old friend Brian's band is losing a member. I feel kindof bad for him. I offered to help out but he doesn't email me or reply to my comments on his blog so I guess oh well. I apologized for leaving the band before. I felt I should do that.

Isabella is starting to walk and she says cat dog momma dada angel JD claw (claudia) and gah guh and buh. She has her top two teeth and her bottom two teeth. She doesn't want to be held anymore and she likes to walk around the coffee table banging toys and she loves to play roll the ball.

Claudia is turning into a real athelete. She jumps and then runs really fast. She can catch and throw and kick really well for a 3 year old. Yesterday she said she wanted a violin. we asked her what that was and she made the hand motions and made a sound like a violin, very cute and funny.

JD is doing well. He continues in speech classes and balance classes. He is also doing well in school and has become teachable again. He has been stuck on telling us that he cant do certain things and won't tell us why he can't do something. It is very annoying.

Angel has been working for about a month at the maiden form store in the mall. She is doing very well. She keeps wasting all of her money though on everybody else. We went to the Skillet/1000 foot crutch concert. The sound was incredibly bad. The bass was kicked up so high you could not hear anything. I had to leave the building a couple of times. Mostly I just watched movies on my zen. I watched Mad Max and Robocop 3. The bands were okay but I don't really like live performances. I like the controlled sound of CDS anymore. I would like to see Tom Waits in concert.

I bought a new computer. Its a dell. it has all the bells and whistles. I got it on sale. it was 699. It has a quad processor, 4 gig ram, 256 mb video card, 500 gig HD dvd cd burner, tv tuner, sound b laster 5.1 sound card, unfortunately it has vista. I wish I could have gotten something else, but I'm not computer guy. I should be able to blow up some crap with that. We are going to combine that with a 32 in lcd tv that we are getting. It will be very cool. We are getting rid of both of our tube tvs and keeping just the one giant media center monster in the family room. It should give us better control over the content that our kids try to get into.

I found a bunch of my old comix. Bloodlines, AVP, The Demon, Hitman, Batman, Superman, and other assorted books. They are very stupid with the exception of AVP and the batman comix. The Demon and Superman books are very cheesy junk.

Oh well til next month...As Tom Waits would say...."Leave me alone you big ole moon...."

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