Friday, June 29, 2007

Weekend @ the jewel of NC!! Statesville! Hangin' with muh mum

Going to Statesville!! ITs where I'm from. It s where my friends are. Its where I'm from. **Expletive** Statesville!! Hey Hey! I am a Christian now. none of the filthy talk. Unless I'm really really angry!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! I have a meeting with my boss today. Mid year stuff. I need to ask what in the world I need to do to get a huge bonus again next year. My old boss and I hated each other but we needed each other. He had my money and I had his 100 cases a day. BOOyah! Now I am not sure what I need to do. I could not sleep last night. Olga went up to Statesville early so I was all alones in muh creepy ghetto house. I watched the last king of scotland. It was okay. I did not like it much. I will always see Forest Whitaker as the black samarai in ghost dog. pure silliness. He played Idi Amin. He was a crazy dictator that was a mass murderer ala Adolf Hitler. It was not about him really at all. It was about this goofy scottish doctor that was Idi's doctor. Mayham ensues for 2 hours the end. I downloaded two episodes of House to my trusty PMP. I can't get enough of the witty banter. I am getting old. Then I started Lord of the Rings. It is sooo long that I had to fast forward through the last parts to get it all on the disc. It was stupid. That movie is 2 1/2 hours long. I also downloaded some more weezer, eels, and Tom Waits. Waits has got to be faking that weird throated singing voice.

1 comment:

bgryderclock said...

back in statesville i live rent free!


we are enemies for LIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFEEE!!!

Tom waits was on the daily show, his normal speaking voice was one of a sick homeless man's. God i love that guy. John Stuart was been a total fanboy, "mister waits, i have all your albums..." it was funny.