Thursday, June 21, 2007

talk show meeting, so tired

We had a big meeting with the CEO in this big talk show like meeting. All of the execs were on a stage and it was really high production. Like laser lights and videos and stuff. I am still kindof mystified that the CEO of the company comes and speaks to us pions. It is very nice. I ate like 5 kashi bars, almonds and grains, and drank two MT. Dews. whooohooo. My concerns about Fire international were validated by the Lord yesterday. I was reading about this guy named Steve Hill. He used to be one of the pastors for the brownsville debacle. He basically took the revival for all of the money he could by lying signs and wonders and then quit. The church is in shambles and barely making ends meet, and this guy is as rich as rich can be. So I am driving home and I see the Fire church sign and it says "Fire School welcomes Steve Hill!!" That was very nice.

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