Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Test Bloggo

This weekend my family and I were all sick from something or another. I still went outside and tinkered with installing the fencing and I sprayed poison all around our house and rat poison and stuff to kill everything. My Nemesis the little black ants and the tiny gray mice that invade my house will be killed this time for sure, along with all of the neighborhood cats! My wife is 7 months pregnant with our 4th child! something like 6 weeks to go. It is a girl and everyone is very happy. Her name will be Isabell lucy anna Schaber. We have this weird thing with 4 initials. This weekend we also went and spent like 1000$ on carpet and 1500$ on appliances. Yay God! My kids have so far saved 180 $ toward a new WII game system. This morning my wife woke up and ironed my clothes which I appreciate greatly. When I get home today I will collapse from a ridiculous day at TIAA-CREF. I have been reposting and adjusting financial records all day, I feel like a real accountant already!

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