Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter and a whole month since last blogging

I spent Easter at my parents house. Everything went well. My aunt said the "N" word about 6 times. Everyone cringed everytime she said it. Uncomforable silences after every time. I got in some good nap times. a good 3 hour nap. Mom kept JD my 9 year old for the week. Yay! He's a good boy, but he makes my head hurt with his complex questions. Sometimes I just tell him that I don't feel like discussing the finer points of converting DVDs to nds format. I got a new laptop by selling my old laptop. I sold my dell for 485 and I bout a brand new laptop for 500 a toshiba.

The Toshiba has way more everything plus built in WIFI and yeek! Vista. Vista seems alright for what I do with it so no complaints. I guess people just love the Dell mystique of quality. Its not really true. Dells are no better than anything else. The Toshiba weighs about half of what the Dell does and it has a separate graphics card. The Rom feels very cheap and the locking mechanism does work very well.

I gave my son my old digital camera. I thought he was going to explode with excitement. I give him a month before it won't even turn on. He loves electronics but he thinks he is some sort of mad engineer scientist and he won't stop fiddling with things that don't need to be fiddled with, like the screen tolerance levels. Hmmmm...i wonder how hard I can push on this before it breaks.

It has been extremely hard figuring out how to treat JD since he has been diagnosed with Asberger Syndrome. The syndrome makes the kid really smart in some ways and very socially inept. He doesn't understand alot. He also tries to take advantage of this. He tries to get away with stuff by telling us that his syndrome made him do it. It does make him slow as all get out. He starts daydreaming and can't keep focus.

I made an A in my Federal Taxation course. That make 4 As and 1 B. Stupid B. I have a 3.8 GPA. I also took an IQ test and I scored a 144, which is genius level. Who da thunkt it. My wife scored a 104. She was really mad. She thought that we would both score around the 120s. I was really tired too so I probably missed some of the logic questions because I was sleepy. She made me take another test just to make sure and I scored another 144. Now I just need to make everybody understand me for the extremly intelligent awesomeness that is me. My superlative gray matter must be put to exponentially beneficial use. I hate that I took that test because now I feel my ego expanding. : )